Velocity’s highway to heaven!

If you’re a decision-maker within the transport department of a local authority, damning daily forecasts of bad winters combined with an ever-reducing budget may feel like a road to hell. But road repair experts Velocity have the solution to the double-whammy nightmare of cuts and potholes.

In fact, in these times of austerity and cut-backs, Velocity is the watchword for cost-effective permanent road repair solutions and long-term preventative programmes.

Successive bad winters of freeze-thaw-freeze have left Britain’s roads pockmarked with suspension-jarring potholes, with the Local Government Association warning that another cold winter will cause serious damage to the road network at a time when they report that nearly half a billion pounds has been cut from highways maintenance budgets.

But Velocity promise to swiftly make permanent repairs at a fraction of the cost of conventional methods. Armed with their specialist machines, the company’s three-man teams are capable of carrying out up to 150 long-lasting pothole repairs each day.

It was Velocity’s emphasis on a get-it-right-first-time policy on long-term repairs that sealed a major contract repairing Cheshire roads in 2012.

Three of the company’s state-of-the-art machines and highly-skilled teams spent the summer months tackling a legacy of road defects on the highways of Cheshire.

“As with most other counties, a series of bad winters had resulted in a considerable deterioration of the Cheshire East road network,” explained Mark Swindells, area manager for Cheshire East Highways. “There were too many to deal with by conventional methods, so we gave Velocity the job after researching the most efficient way of repairing a large number of legacy potholes.

“This was our first time with Velocity but it was a very positive experience, so much so that we’ve already taken them on for additional work.

“We combined our local knowledge with their area of expertise to successfully carry out a significant programme of repairs. From my point of view, Velocity does what it says on the tin. They make permanent pothole repairs very successfully.

“What really impressed me about them was when I met the team manning the vehicles. It was clear that their operatives were very experienced and knowledgeable in their field. That meant we could rely on them to get on with their task with limited supervision. I would certainly recommend them.”

The Velocity process isn’t just used to remove defects either, as it is an excellent preventative tool to halt road surface deterioration. Equally suitable for rural and urban roads, the system can also be adapted for repairs to potholes, edge deterioration, haunching, depressions, cracking, crazing and extending the life of worn conventional repairs.

For more details about Velocity’s services call Phill Lewis on 0191 565 4400 to arrange a free trial.

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